Vannueten Louis
19/02/2006 14:46
2 min

WK-selectie van het Britse Pony Team

Na de schitterende resultaten van het Britse Pony Team tijdens het voorbije WK in Catton Hall (brons als team.) heeft de Britse Mencommissie nu al de voorbereidingen getroffen voor het samenstellen van een competitief team voor het volgende WK in Denemarken. Hoe verloopt de selectie in Groot-Brittannië?.

Selection Procedure for 2007 World Pony Championships
1. Selection panel will consist of:
Jill Holah (Chef d"Equipe)
Sydney Smith (BHDTA)
Liza Wood (Judge)
Michael Onslow (Chairman, BHDTA) will chair the meetings.
The team trainers and vets will act in an advisory capacity
at all stages of the selection process.
2. Selection to be made on the basis of observation at selection events of which competitors are required to compete at FOUR. Other considerations such as experience and temperament of driver, age and soundness of ponies etc. will be taken into account if final selection is not clear-cut.
3. Six selection events to be announced:
(a) Three events during latter half of 2006 season.
(b) Three events at beginning of 2007.
Drivers should compete at FOUR of which a minimum of TWO must be in 2007.
4. Drivers to be asked in the next BHDTA newsletter to put their names forward to the office for the long-list as soon as possible. The earlier candidates submit their names, the more input they will have into future training and other plans. The Selection panel has the discretion to refuse application if they consider pony/ies to be unsuitable for this level of competition. Additions can be made to the long-list at any time by the selection panel. Changes to ponies (including singles) during the selection process can be made with consultation with the selection panel.
5. Long-listed ponies will be vetted at an early stage to detect and rectify any problems.
6. It is intended that there will be ongoing discussion throughout the selection period between Selection Panel and drivers re. their selection prospects.
7. Drivers will be asked to sign a BHDTA selection acceptance form.
8. The decision of the Selection Panel is final.

Stephex Horse Trucks

Komende evenementen

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CSI2* Caledon ON 17/07 - 21/07

CSI2* Caledon ON 17/07 - 21/07

CSI2* Traverse City 17/07 - 21/07

CSI3* Chard 17/07 - 21/07

CSI5*/CSI3*/CSI2* LGCT Riesenbeck 18/07 - 21/07

CSI5*/CSI3* Dinard 18/07 - 21/07

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CSI4*/CSI2* Chantilly 09/07 - 14/07

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CSI3* Traverse 10/07 - 14/07

CSI3* San Giovanni in Marignano 10/07 - 14/07

CSIO3* EEF Budapest 11/07 - 14/07

CSI2* Biskupiec 11/07 - 14/07

CSIO5* Falsterbo 11/07 - 14/07

CSI4* La Coruña 12/07 - 14/07

CSI4*/CSI2* Valkenswaard 12/07 - 14/07

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