Stephex Horse Trucks

Koen Cromheecke
31/01/2006 22:01
3 min

Ieren zoeken bondscoach

De tijd dringt voor de Ieren. Zij zijn op zoek naar een opvolger voor Eddie Macken. Wie zich geroepen voelt om de taak van Iers bondscoach op te nemen kan nog tot 8 februari solliciteren.

De jobvacature staat op de webstek van de Ierse ruitersportfederatie. De Ieren zijn niet tevreden met de eerste de beste, zo blijkt uit de advertentie.

Team Manager to the Irish Senior Show Jumping Team, incorporating travel to Super Leagues, European and World Championships and as many four star team show jumping events as deemed appropriate by the Equestrian Federation of Ireland (EFI).

The Team Manager will work hand-in-hand with the Show Jumping Selection Committee, where his or her comments and opinions with regard to international selection will be valued. Input into selection for World Cup Qualifying competitions would also be required.

A condition of employment would be that the successful applicant is domiciled in Ireland.

To act as Team Manager to the Irish International Show Jumping Team.


? Development of Senior Team riders to a level heretofore not obtained.
? Build effective working partnership with riders. Encourage co-operation between riders, trainers and owners.
? Provide overall training responsibility for all senior teams.
? Seek to establish new opportunities to promote and enhance the achievement of higher performance targets.
? Identify potential younger riders with a view to inclusion in the Senior Team.
? Team Manager to act in accordance with Arts. 125, 126 and 141 of FEI (Federation Equestre Internationale) general regulations.
? Work closely with the Show Jumping Selection Committee.


? Establish good relations with riders, their trainers and their owners.
? Develop and monitor the progress of individual horses and riders.
? Develop and co-ordinate with individual trainers, training programmes for riders
? Monitor with individual trainers, progress of riders. Arrange regular appraisal of riders by outside trainers. Discuss with riders and their trainers the build-up to competitions. Monitor and assist where possible.
? Liaise when necessary with individual or team vets, nutritionists and psychologists.
? Specific responsibility for preparation and management of the Irish Team for Championship events.

? Provide close liaison with Selectors, Trainers, Show Jumping Selection Committee Chairman, and Team Vet in the run-up to representative events.
? Providing close liaison with owners is most important
? Formation of budgets and budgetary control.
? Co-ordination with Show Jumping Selection Committee over Irish Sports Council grants and services.
? Liaison with Show Jumping Selection Committee on progress towards goal annually.
? Fulfil all Irish Sports Council reporting requirements in a timely manner

? Skilled leadership abilities
? Skilled facilitator
? Skilled planner
? Skilled manager
? The ability to get things done

? Excellent interpersonal skills mandatory
? Persuasive of others
? Networking abilities
? The ability to get riders to raise their game
? Positive thinker

? Problem identifying and solving
? Identifying opportunities
? Receptive to new ideas
? Highly motivated
? Knowledge of show jumping world
? Personal integrity
? Experience/expertise at top class equestrian level
? Ability to be a good ambassador for Ireland.

In writing, with full CV, to:
Show Jumping Selection Committee,

Equestrian Federation of Ireland,
KIldare Paddocks,
Co. Kildare,
Closing date for applications: Wednesday, February 8, 2006

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