Van den Bulck Peter
27/08/2004 23:15
2 min

Duitse eventing team moet gouden medailles inleveren

Het Duitse eventing-team moet zijn gouden medaille terug inleveren. Ook individueel eventing kampioene Bettina Hoy moet haar gouden medaille terug inleveren... Dit na de beslissing van het CAS (Court of Arbitration of Sports). Bettina zou 2x over de startlijn gereden zijn alvorens haar jumpingparcours af te leggen. de volledige uitleg vindt u hieronder.

Court of Arbitration of Sports (CAS) Decision on Eventing Competition Results

On the 21 August at 16:30, the FEI received the decision of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) on the appeal of the National Olympic Committees of France, Great Britain and USA on the Eventing competition of the 2004 Olympics Games in Athens. The appeal was accepted by the CAS. Consequently, France earns the Team Gold Medal, Great Britain the Silver and USA the Bronze. Leslie Law (GBR) is the new Individual Olympic Champion; followed by Kimberly Severson (USA) and Pippa Funnel (GBR)

The background of the decision made by the CAS is that the FEI Appeal Committee had no jurisdiction to deal with the appeal lodged by the German Federation, against the time penalties awarded to Bettina Hoy (GER) at the conclusion of the Eventing Team Jumping and Individual Qualifier. Bettina Hoy had crossed the starting line twice before commencing her round.

The FEI Appeal Committee had concluded that, as the stadium clock had been restarted when she had crossed the starting line for the second time, the rider had no way to note that her round had already started. In order not to penalize the rider for a problem in the starting procedure, the FEI Appeal Committee had removed the 14 points penalties.

While accepting the decision of the CAS and their interpretation of FEI General Regulations on the duties of the Ground Jury and the Appeal Committee, the FEI wishes to emphasize that the decision taken by the Appeal Committee was based on the Fair Play and the best interest of the sport, as well as on a different interpretation of the rules.

According to the IOC procedure, the medals will be returned by the respective National Olympic Committees to the IOC and the FEI will redistribute them in due time during a dedicated ceremony.

Bron: FEI - klik hier voor het officiële bericht

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