Stephex Horse Trucks

Van den Bulck Peter
04/07/2006 14:56
18/03/2023 04:56
2 min + brookhousestud

Brookhouse Stud?s Con Amore overleden na koliek

Op 14 februari jongstleden was nog aanwezig op de hengstenshow van Brookhousestud waar de 3-jarige Con Amore (Conteur x Pik Bube I x Wendekreis) nog furore maakte. Amper 5 maanden later is hij niet meer.. Enkele dagen na zijn koliekoperatie weigerde het immuunsysteem van Con Amore en weigerden zijn nieren te werken. In samenspraak met de chirurgen werd besloten om hem in te laten slapen.

hieronder het volledige verslag:

It is with great sadness that Brookhouse Stud has to report the untimely passing of their young stallion Con Amore (Conteur x Pik Bube I x Wendekreis). The 3-year old licensed Hanoverian stallion had to be humanely put down on 3rd July 2006 due to mysterious complications following colic surgery last week.

On Tuesday 27th June 2006, Con Amore was transported to the equine clinic of Dr. Siebert in Karben for surgery after a severe colic attack. During the operation, a malign intestinal lymphoma on the small intestine was discovered and removed. Con Amore recovered well from the general anaesthetics, but in the next few days his immunity system collapsed. On 3rd July, Con Amore went into kidney failure. In agreement with the veterinarians, Brookhouse Stud unfortunately had to decide that it was in the horse´s best interest to put him down.

´We will greatly miss Con Amore. Even though he was still very young, he was the source of much joy and happiness in our stable. ?Charlie´ charmed everyone with his fantastic personality,´ said Emma Hindle and Thomas Hoffmann. ´We are very grateful to Dr. Siebert and his whole team, who did everything within human capacity to help him.´

The 16.1 hh Con Amore was the highly acclaimed ´I d-Premium´ stallion of the 2005 Hanoverian Licensing in Verden, Germany. Owned by Brookhouse Stud, Con Amore was a rare combination of brilliant type, correct uphill conformation, and three top class basic gaits. He also had a top quality jumping technique, clearing fences with eagerness, scope, power and potential.

Brookhouse Stud and its stallions can be visited online at

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